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Story of Partners: SPARC

Writer's picture: RCOH ATLRCOH ATL

Single Parent Alliance and Resource Center (SPARC) operates on a mission to empower and equip single parents with the necessary tools, resources and support to create a healthy home environment and nurture their children into productive and successful adults. SPARC has been a crucial partner for the Motel to Home program, assisting 29 families move from motels into permanent housing in the last 3 months as part of the A Family A Day initiative.

Ariel, the Housing Coordinator for SPARC, has been with the organization for over 4 years. She is a single mother herself, who relates strongly with the obstacles that many of her clients face. She finds motivation and strength everyday from working with these families and hopes to contribute to building communities that value single parent families and their unique needs.

"I always go the extra mile to give my families a helping hand. It is a very rewarding feeling in the end once they are housed." -Ariel




Aaron and Angel Goldman

Amanda and Greg Gregory


Anonymous Donor

Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation

Buzz and Cathy Loew

Choate Bridges Foundation

Dan and Margy Smith

David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund

Fraser-Parker Foundation

Jim Pirouz

Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation

Kaiser Permanente

Kate and Robert Kennedy

Kerri Fuller

Margaret Graff and Richard Higgins

Miller Zell

William Josef Foundation

"We have an obligation to care. These families attend our schools, play sports with our kids, work in our community. We are one of the richest countries in the world. If everyone did something... it would contribute to the solution."

Cathy Loew, Volunteer and Donor

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